Pioneering Excellence Since 1961
Stresau Laboratory has a history of reliable and trusted evidence-based research and development that has stood the test of time. Through technological innovation, product development and a commitment to exceed industry standards, Stresau Laboratory continues to lead the industry in energetic performance.

Stresau Laboratory is located in the heart of Northern Wisconsin.
Stresau Laboratory was founded in 1961 and is located in Spooner, Wisconsin. It’s sprawling campus of manufacturing buildings house some of the most delicate materials necessary for a variety of global industries.
Stresau Laboratory focuses on four main sectors: research and development, manufacturing, explosive materials and UN/DOT testing.
Employees at Stresau Laboratory are committed to not only exceeding the standard in energetic performance but also fostering an innovative workplace culture.
Safety and Security
Stresau Laboratory handles proprietary as well as ITAR controlled information with procedures that protect both the material and the information relating to it. Additionally, Stresau is dedicated to maintaining safety, security and confidentiality for all people, documents and materials that pass through our doors.
Certifications and Standards
Stresau Laboratory is committed to exceeding industry excellence by upholding national and international certifications and standards.

ISO 9001:2015
Received from BSI, an ANAB accredited registrar of quality standards.
Corporate Culture
At Stresau Laboratory, we not only believe in exceeding industry standards, but we also believe in creating a workplace culture that encourages innovation in the field of energetics. Our core values include:
Delivering What We Promise
Full Compliance with All Laws and Regulations
Using Integrity and Ethical Conduct
Practicing Mutual Trust and Respect
The Stresau Laboratory Team
Located in Spooner, Wisconsin, our core team of industry experts is committed to delivering superior customer service and exceeding the standards in energetic performance.